Covid 19

Please do not enter the practice

If you have ANY of these symptoms:

Fever, Cough, Sore throat, Shortness of breath


Have travelled internationally or domestically and have been contact with someone diagnosed with or suspected of having Covid-19

You will be asked some questions and provided information on what to do next.This will help protect the health and safety of you and others.

Thank you for your cooperation.

As we monitor the evolving situation and anticipate every scenario, please note that Access will be following all Department of Health recommendations in relation to Covid. Our practice is doing everything in our power to ensure the highest level of hygiene for both staff and patients. This means:

  • Sanitiser is available throughout the office
  • Treatment rooms will be disinfected between patients
  • Our staff will maintain standard hygiene practice and will be screening patients when booking appointments
  • Our doctors will offer Telehealth appointments to at risk patients

We aim to protect the health and safety of our staff and patients, while guaranteeing business-as-usual service levels.

Remember good hygiene includes;

  1. Washing your hand thoroughly with soap and water
  2. Keeping a safe 1.5meter distance from others if you are sick
  3. Covering coughs and sneezes with your elbow or tissues
  4. Disposing of tissues properly

We would like to take this opportunity to remind our community about the importance of good Heart Health. While times like these can leave us leaving unsure it is important that you continue to arrive for your appointments and take all precautionary safety methods seriously. We have information regarding COVID-19 & Heart Health on our Website as well as information regarding the Vaccination. We will endeavor to provide tips on healthy lifestyle changes that will have a positive impact on your cardiovascular health. Lets work together towards Heart Health for Life. 
